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Re: well i might disintegrate into thin air if you'd like...

Guess this thread is as good as any to jump in and
introduce myself.  My name is Thurman and I'm addicted
to OTR.  I'm a fairly recent convert to the mystery
and beauty of OTR, having first heard them a little
over a year ago at a friend of mine's wedding. From
that humble beginning I have accumulated all of their
major releases, posters, t-shirts, bumper stickers and
an amazing richness to my life that wasn't there
before.  I've been blessed to see them five times now,
each show a special memory.  They moved from a band
I'd only heard of to one of my top five favorites.
They've captured my imagination, my mind and my ears
in a way few bands ever have.

And to answer the question in this thread, I am at the
moment a vagabond of sorts, a minister without a
church.  I pay bills by working a temp job and doing
adjunct work at the local Christian college while I
wait and ponder and try to discover what lies around
the bend.  A frightening way to live.  But a thrilling
one as well.

Glad to be a part of this community where the people
are not shy.  Been great to read your posts,
especially about the Cornerstone gig which I wish I
could have seen.  I'm encouraged that they did Jack's
Valentine and enjoyed it, as the last three times I've
seen them they haven't and I was beginning to fear
they were dropping it from their sets.  I've still yet
to see Linford perform it live and I'd like to. 

Farewell, my friends.

np:  Tom Waits, Mule Variations

vocatus atque non vocatus Deus aderit

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