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Rhapsodie lyrics, new CD, etc. whatever.

  Since I'm on the digest, I'll go ahead and kill two-emails
with one stone....

>Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:06:37 EDT
>From: BEric123 at aol_com
>Subject: Re: Violet Burning
>I was wondering if anybody caught the Violet Burning at Cornerstone. Was
>their set good? What about their latest couple of CD's? I have their self
>titled, which I really like, but I don't that much about them really. Also,
>does anyone know when OTR's new album will be released? Just curious if any
>rumours have trickled down to the common folk.....

     YES, the Violet Burning show was very good!  I'm not even a
big fan of theirs (don't own any of their CD's) but after going to the 
concert at C-stone, I may have to pick up some CD's by them now.

     When I talked to Linford at Cornerstone, he said the new CD
will probably not come out until early 2001. However, he's hoping
to use the MP3 of the month on the website to put some teasers from
the new album in the next coming months.

>Greetings, all!  I'm wondering if an OTR expert could get me the =
>live-version opening lyrics to "Rhapsodie," particularly those sung at =
>Cornerstone 2000.  Karin sang them at the beginning of the song...  =
>Please?  Help?

     I'm *pretty* sure that the opening lyrics that Karin sang at
Cornerstone before Rhapsodie were the same that she sang a couple of years 
ago. If so, here's what the lyrics are...

You had to ask
What crazy thoughts
Were going through my head

Well your photographs
Still sittin' on
The table by my bed

(isn't it?)

Though many years have gone by
And some unkind,

Yours is the only body
I want next to mine...

    I have no clue what the extra lyrics are at the end of
"And Can It Be" that Karin sang at Cornerstone.  Anyone know?


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