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RE: two quickie questions from yr prodigal lostie

just for the record, my questions are unrelated. i just realized that if i
read such a thing i would assume that someone was looking for a ride to
cornerstone...not the case. only wondering who i might see there, and who
might be my neighbor. unrelated. anyway.

At 09:44 AM 6/27/00 -0400, Chris Emery wrote:
>> two quick ones...

heh heh.
>> 1. who (like myself) lives in nashville?

i know that. it seems like there used to be a handfull of nashvillians on
the list. kind, gentle people. people who might be able to help me find a
new job.

>> 2. who (like myself, depending on just how much it costs to replace my
>> radiator?) is going to cornerstone?

oh well.

>Do my eyes deceive me, Shauna, or is that a new surname tacked on the end?

your eyes haven't failed you. as of march 25th, i'm a happily married woman.

mrs. reynolds
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