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Re: i am new...help me

>i am a newbie here....i am a 77's fan and they always 
>talk about OTR, as well as all the other bands i love,
>so i'm givin' it a shot.  the band five o'clock people
>plays "latter days" as their opener....and i loved it 
>so much i hunted for it.  and found it as a used disc.
>...a promo copy of good dog bad dog for $7


i've got a question for you first...

-> what's a good Five O'Clock People CD to start on?
  I heard about them a while ago, but don't know where
  to start...

>    could a few of you give me pointers on :
>what their best recordings are

my favs are GDBD, Eve, and Besides.  all the rest are
very good as well...

>why you think they are cool/talented/amazing/etcetera whatever...

karin's vocals and the songwriting is why i like them.
they just have some really good songs that hit me where
i'm at... 

>what do i have to know or have

all of them, silly.

oh, btw, if kyle gives you shit.  ignore him.  he can
usually be a big pain in the ass to the newbies...


np: sixpence none the richer - collage

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
   dantemm at erinet_com      http://www.dlm.net/gc/
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+- five miles out from the atmosphere (chromakey) -+

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