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Re: OtR likes Clive and Clive liked it

Ope queried:
> HEY! anyone out there selling either a "patience" or "eve" album with
the booklet?
> or have an extra copy of one of those albums you could sell?
> i'm guessing probably not but i just thought ask...just in case someone
out there is.>>

Hey Ope...

Here are copies of these cd's on ebay at what seem to be affordable

Eve:  http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=337110102

Hope you can scrape a good deal together...  : )  

your pal,

PS -- to make this on topic, I'd like to add that if you're going to
drink a Guinness, you must get one from the tap or a can but never from a
bottle.  And I prefer it to be cool (but not cold!) in temperature.  
And, although I secretly enjoy it, cider is a wussy drink unless mixed
with Jack or somethin of that persuasion.
And I wondered how the same moon over this Chinatown fair
Could look down on Illinois, and find you there
                        ~ Tom Waits, Shore Leave
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