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Re: Small mind, will post, and post, and post ad nauseum

Calling Over The Rhine as an average band is just sad.  If you really don't
care for their music then I suggest you stop listening.  I don't care for
Britney Spears so when her song comes on the radio I don't keep it tuned
there and cut her down as much as I can (well, I used to but that got really
old really fast). I simply turn the station and listen to something I like.
I've seen OtR a few times now in concert and I thought they played just as
well Saturday night at Malone as they ever have.  Karin has a beautiful
voice.  I took my mom and sister to see them for the first time and they
were instantly hooked on the sound of their music.  My sister is going to
work at getting them to Ohio Wesleyan University.  We got to meet Linford
after the concert and he was pleasant and answered our questions and made us
feel like we mattered.  And don't forget, if people like us didn't go to
their concerts or buy their music then there would be NO Over The Rhine.
Karin did an awesome job Saturday night.  I enjoyed every minute of it and
that concert could have gone on and on.  I didn't care much for the
mandolin...at times it overpowered everything else. But, OtR has had to go
through a lot of changes.  Thankfully they didn't give up and just end their
journey after a couple of members left.  Every band evolves and tries for
new sounds..some work and some don't.  But damn, half of us sound like fair
weather friends.  Let's only say we like OtR when they sound good.  And we
ALL know that bands should sound good ALL the time or they just should stop
what they're doing and find a new job.

And there are people on this list who are sticking up for Kyle when others
are putting him down.  Yet, when Kyle cuts on Karin's hair style (how petty
is that?) or cuts on the band as a whole..we let him do it.  We are on this
list for Over The Rhine.  If you want to be on some other kind of list I
suggest you go to www.onelist.com and sign up for a list there...or
heck..start your own.  But it is really saddening to watch people on this
list cut on OtR.  Maybe we should always keep in mind that PERHAPS Linford,
Karin, and the others are reading these posts.  How would you feel if
someone was cutting on your hairstyle?  Anybody heard of Karen Carpenter?
Someone wrote in a magazine article once about Karen's weight...and Karen
got hurt by that (what normal human wouldn't?) and she turned to anorexia
and bulimia.  Constructive criticism is fine and I'm sure OtR welcomes our
comments.  But hairstyles and Linford's comedic abilities is NOT
constructive criticism.    We really need to watch what we say about people,
even Kyle.  We are all humans, and we all have feelings.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kyle Howe" <howe.38 at osu_edu>
To: "'helena thibaut'" <madamethibaut at hotmail_com>;
<over-the-rhine at actwin_com>
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 2:42 PM
Subject: RE: Small mind, will post, and post, and post ad nauseum

> the more i read the post, the more i realize the woman may have suffered
> cranial traumas in the past, or maybe even somewhat disturbed emotionally.
> paranoid schizophrenia maybe.
> the simple truth is the band is about average on most nights.  i didn't
> anyone being awe struck at Malone on sat night,  you weren't there, were
> you?
> i started to listen to them because of albums such as Patience, Eve and
> TWHF, not the crap they've been  playing the last couple times i've seen
> them.  (unfortunately, both times, i had personal reasons for being there)
> and i am on the list because some of my friends are.  so i am not quite
> how that's living "vicariously day after day".  do you understand the
> coming out of your mouth or keyboard in this case i guess.   i am not the
> groupie one who sounds like an overprotective bitch (as in the canine
> sense).
> how could a post be pale and parasitic?  or is it just overcompensating
> pretentiousness leaking out again?  oh yeah, and please don't encourage
> fellow listies to step out of airplanes flying over the Sahara or the
> and say wow.
> >"You and Kyle could take a plane ride low over the Sahara, or dipping in
> and
> >out of the Andes and you would step out of the plane struggling to find
> >words to summarize your basic feeling of "Wow.""
> ---------------
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