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I don't usually respond too much to these emails that attack Kyle 
because he is a big boy and can take care of himself.  I just want to 
say one thing in response to this most recent email about him...I 
don't really know you, but I know you don't know Kyle and calling him 
"sparrow-brained" (my wording may be slightly off) is ridiculous.  
Kyle may be rude, he may be opinionated, he may be a lot of things, 
but I don't think it is quite fair to refer to him as though he is 
unintelligent.  As a matter of fact it is downright absurd.  He is 
one of the most intelligent people I have met.  I am not trying to 
start a fight or anything- I just think judging one's intelligence by 
their opinions and level of rudeness is silly.  Also- I don't know if 
Kyle unsubscribed you or not, but I have been unsubscribed from the 
list several times when I had not even recently written an email in 
months.  It filled my mailbox almost completely with unsubscribe 
messages.  I don't know a thing about computers but I think this 
probably isn't one of the best systems and I always thought it was 
some kind of error.
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