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Re: REV: Vigilantes of Love, 4/19

i'm on the digest so this is a little belated.

i was thoroughly impressed and a little surprised to how good the show was 
with a three piece version of VOL, having seen them as 4 piece 5 times. one 
of the main reasons is Bill ran his acoustic through a clean channel and when 
he clicked on distortion he still had a clean signal so it really gave the 
sound depth. also the bassist is really good, did some volume swell/sustain 
bass things making it sound like a cello or somthing spooky off of a Daniel 
Lanois produced CD.... this was perfect for the slower songs. he said he was 
doing that and some extra "through a guitar lead into the bassline" until 
they got a new guy on 2nd guitar etc. but to honest i hope he keeps on doing 
it then. the drummer also was tight and new where to put it..... is it true 
though that Brady Blade played on most of the CD though?

lastly the bunch of new songs were really kick ass. very good band 
performance... it's good to see Bill is still hitting himself in the head 
during the set.

Christopher F>
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