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Re: the list is dancing

>comfortable enough with eachother  to occasionally "dump their garbage".

See previous repsponse.

>This statement makes me so angry, I can't even begin to discribe.  Kyle
>is a sweet and funny man,  I would never think of calling him a child.
>If you don't like his posts, skip over them.

Like I said. Give her time. She's just getting a feel. She just got here, 
we've no need to make her leave the shadows dancing without first finding 
all the light, and she'll get there

>Actually, if you look at what he's saying, there is alot of deep thinking
>going on in Kyle's posts.  He works by playing the antagonist.

I forget who said this first, as the signal-to-noise ratio here has gotten a 
bit loud, but yes, When Kyle screams at you (unless your Nikki and it's just 
the electronic version of Bronx Cheer) You do tend to double think your 
argument back. And that, does give the boy many points for brains and style.

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