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the list is dancing

Hello again,

Thanks to all of you who responded to my note. Again, I came to this 
discussion quite spontaneously, and I was surprised at my initial 
impressions. I expected to find the warmth and wideness and wonder I 
associate with Over the Rhine's music, and I was a bit perplexed by their 
apparent absence.

I found the warmth and camaraderie I had at first anticipated in many of 
your responses, and I appreciate those of you who took the time to welcome 
me and address some of the questions I raised.

A few quick responses. When asked what Over the Rhine song I might most 
associate with dance, I wonder aloud which song most sums up Over the Rhine. 
You've probably been down this road many times. This is almost impossible to 
ponder. I think of trying to sum up the life of a loved one by a single 
gesture. Or capturing the essence of a relationship of some years in a 
single remembered day or night spent together. It's not easy. But this is 
perhaps a lack of courage on my part. I'll toss Latter Days into the ring.

I think I begin to get the feel of your "community" rather quickly. It is 
pretty wide open. Some come to the river to contemplate deeper things. Some 
to dump their garbage on the banks. I'll never understand the latter, but I 
suppose it ultimately has to do with not knowing how to do better. And we 
can only hope our own lives might show others a different way, even as we 
have been shown.

The river itself remains and is nothing so much as a gift.

Kyle, you strike me as a child in desperate need of attention, and perhaps 
this will grow into something of a strength for you. Children starved for 
attention do have a tendency to eventually get it. Call me crazy, but I 
found some of what you said puzzling in a good way. You called my 
description of walking home from an Over the Rhine show a would-be 
description of a "religious experience." These are not words I would have 
chosen, but if being transported by music does not hint at what real 
sprirituality is about, I guess I have no interest in what a "religious 
experience" is.

You referred to Over the Rhine as just another band trying to make it. Why 
on earth would you choose to vicariously participate day after day in the 
world of a band that you would attempt to dumb down in this way? Wouldn't 
picking up a copy of Billboard magazine and reading about hundreds of bands 
trying to "make it" be infinitely more stimulating, if this way of thinking 
resonates with you? This is just ludicrous enough to be of a little interest 
to me. Granted, I didn't get the feeling that there was a lot of deep 
thinking going on in your posts, but I think you will do better in time. (Or 
maybe you have sort of just elected yourself the playground bully of the 
list. The problem with this that you may want to consider is, How many smart 
bullies have you met in your life? Don't get me wrong, I'm rather amused by 
you. If Lisa Simpson can make room in her heart...)

You all seem like a good-hearted bunch. Amy, from your description of your 
work, I must ask if the sensation of following in the footsteps of the 
saints is something that ever sneaks up on you and hands you unexpected joys 
that you feel you would in some other walk of life have no access to. I 
admire you. (And this question is conspicuously off-topic.)

Or is it?

I have chosen a life that will not make it possible for me to check in all 
that often, but I will be thinking of you all, and I will try to stop back 
on occasion. (We're talking once or twice a month if I can swing it. There's 
the issue of the flesh and blood people in my life that I want to take care 
of and love as well as I can, for starters.) I'll be thinking good thoughts 
regarding all of you, and again thank you for your numerous notes. I was 
curious, and you were wonderful teachers.

H. Thibaut
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