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Re: Re: protagoras, moral sensibilities, very little otr

Hear! Hear! I spent all last week with 63 teenagers on the beach hooping, hollering, having a great time, worshipping, learning, burning...  We got back on Saturday morning and I spent Sunday talking and praying with a girl who came back to find out her friend was killed in a car wreck while she was gone, and later that day listened to an 18 year old senior guy who is an amazing kid but is dealing with the fear of being a failure.  These are real people with real situations.  All of a sudden, debating philosophical world views didn't matter anymore.  Just a bunch of mental masturbation.  I don't have time for that anymore.  

Just a thought...


On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 12:24:43 PDT Amy Joy Eversole <amy_smiley at hotmail_com> wrote:

hmmm...i've been quiet lately.  i used to love debating things like good and 
evil and absolute truth and the human condition.  but then i started working 
with people who abandon their children and rape their stepchildren and spend 
the majority of their time plotting revenge for anger that has no apparent 
logical cause.  now debate simply exhausts me.  the everyday reality is 
tiring enough...

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