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Rose said:

>Come on, now!  NOBODY messes with the Hulk while I'm around.  I love
that guy.  He >makes me weep.  So there.  Quit now, 'nuff said, or you
don't know what it means to >smash.

Man, do y'all remember the ol' TV show?  That little sad hulk theme song
must be one of the saddest TV theme songs ever.  Certainly the saddest
super hero song . . . 

>Speaking of Star Wars... Is anyone else as mad as me about gl snubbing
>the dvd market?  I mean SWtFM wasn't all that great anyway, but I was at
>least looking forward to those 575 lines of resolution during the
>special effects.  Now, I don't even have that.  Somebody should tell him
>he's not all he thinks he is.

Has he actually said, "Snub DVDs I will.  Support them I do not?"

Because this being George Lucas, and George Lucas being some sort of
elfin eared marketing genius, I 'spect the DVDs will come sometime after
lots and lots of people have invested in the VHS.

Like, he could do all this:
Episode I, single VHS
Episode II, single VHS
Episodes I and II, VHS with a bonus making-of tape
Episode III, single VHS
Episodes I, II, and III, VHS 

And then he could put out the DVDs.
If he puts them out now, people will buy them and not the VHS editions.
If he waits ten years, maybe they'll buy both.

Darth George.


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