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Re: more about love, war and stupid people

For me, it means I like fish frys on lenten Fridays.  No, unless I'm in my 
hometown, I rarely seek Catholic mass each weekend.  But I rest assured each 
night that I am going to Heaven, for I was lucky enough to be born into 
God's one Chosen Religion.  (Just kidding, but I love that humor).

I was raised in a nearly all-Catholic town.  Public school for me consisted 
of scattered nuns as teachers, principals.  We have a giant twin-spired 
church that towers over the village, and it shares a parking lot with the 
lower and mid-school.  Religion classes were (are?) held during regular 
(public) school time, the day is lengthened to compensate.  Our class of 66 
(a big one) had two non-Catholics who had study hall during our religion 

Seperation of church and state...  bah!


>From: Jennifer K Cochran <j-cochran at juno_com>
>On Mon, 10 Apr 2000  "Pauli" writes:
> >What does it mean to be "Catholic-ish" - how is it different than
> >being
> >Catholic.
> >
> >Pauli
>For me, when I say that I'm Catholicish, I mean that while I've held onto
>some of the core beliefs, I've rejected alot of the individual edicts of
>the church.  Being Catholicish also has to do with the culture of
>Catholocism, and even if I were to reject Catholocism completely, I'm
>still a product of that culture, and that's something I couldn't lose
>even if I wanted to.  (Especially not after having had 15 years of
>Catholic schooling :-)
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