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more about love, war and stupid people

I apologize to those who really don't want to hear this, but I have to defend 
an ex.


-<< >Ask my exgirlfriend who the who was stalking her is only breathing due 
->the fact she wouldn't give me permission to kill him.
- You sound so sexy when you get all neanderthal like.  I have but one 
- question, what makes you think you are good enough or have the guts to kill 
- anyone?
He definately has the guts.  I know I am that ex, thank you.  And if you have 
any idea what it is liked to be stalked for six months, than I will refrain 
from making further comments.  Otherwise you were not there, and I would 
kindly expect you to shut up about something that you have no first hand 
knowledge of.  If it hadn't been for my ex and his support of me I have know 
idea if I would be here today.  And if it wasn't for the love that we shared 
at that time I know I would be in a lot worse shape and possibly in an 
institution somewhere.  If you saw the fire in DM's eyes when that young fuck 
(btw appropriatly his name was Christian) came close to me, than you would 
understand what it is like for someone to love someone else so much that it 
didn't matter what happened to him. 

- >The defense of a loved one. Ask my uncle who's one parole for 
- >the genetic failure who tried to rob my aunt.
- Apparently that's a family trait too.  Fortunately, the law enforcement 
- community usually frowns on vigilantes.
Well to back track for a second.  The cops frowned on me when I was the one 
be stalked byt a "good-hearted christian boy"  Not until the idiot showed a 
knife and an abduction notice (which his own Christian parents turn into the 
police) did the bastard get stoppped.  And because he was a good little 
christian he got turned loose immediatly, 1/2 mile away from where I had 
worked for over 5 years.  Whether or not DM phrases things a little too 
harshly (which I realize I am too right this very moment), it is not about 
family traits or if he is a vigilante.  For my own sake I am to this day, 
very happy he was there.
- >Calling the woman I'm dating stupid for running into a burning build while 
- >every one else is running out is a silly way to endanger your own well 
- >being. And she hits harder than I do.
- Once again, threats of violence, I love it.  Once again, What makes you 
- think you or her are good enough?  I wouldn't call her stupid, I'd call her 
- trying too hard to prove her masculinity.
And I, for one, are telling you that you are trying too damn hard to prove 
your Christianity.  Are you one from this list who believes that own rights 
should be taken along with the guns that are there to defend us?

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