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Only read this if you don't mind thinking differently of me!

I just had one of those rhapsodic dreams where little bits of everything
in your life show up in some bastardized form and somehow they're all
connected to each other like in a Robert Altman film.  Boy was that
sentence onomatopoeic or what?

Below are the only parts I remember fully.  There's bits and pieces of
other stuff, but I can't recall the rest of it.

Anyway, I was at one of my previous employers and a friend of mine whom
I haven't seen in a long while (and who has started working out to
compete in a triathlon) was walking around in some kind of gym attire
that was made of lace and looked suspiciously like a brassiere (he's
male btw).  There was another friend I haven't seen in a while there too
and he was talking about the time he went on a diet and dropped 70 lbs. 
He said the girls would just fall into bed with him then.  (I watched
Varsity Blues last night so this is probably from that "put two vicaden
and a valium in their beer and they just drop their panties--it's
niiiiiice!").  Anyway while I was there I happened to look up at the TV
and there was an Over the Rhine interview coming on.  I don't remember
what Linford looked like, but Karin still had long hair and it was
darker brown like in TWHF days.  She was wearing some kind of waif dress
and was posed looking out an upstairs window of some stone building.
There was no glass in the window but it had an arched top--kinda like a
castle.  The camera zoomed in on her and she was singing "Cast me Away."
This is where things get even weirder, but she was talking about how her
and Linford met and how attracted to him she was. She said she really
wanted to have kids but he didn't want to--her segment ended with her
descending feet first into some murky lake or something and just before
her face disappeared into the water she said "impregnate me".  Next
thing I remember Linford was talking and he said something to the effect
of "If there really is no God, then I think there was this incredibly
smart alien..."  That's where it trails off and then I was making
frescoes in a cave with chocolate icing out of a tube.

There's no way I could make this stuff up.  I must be possessed... 


ps.  I woke up at 8 and decided to sleep through church.  Had I gotten
up and went I wouldn't have had this dream---I think.
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