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Re: about love and all that stuff...

I am so not done yet sunshine and moonbeams...

Thu, 06 Apr 2000 01:17:33 GMT
Miss Adrain Continued...

>>as a christian i'm talking about sacrificial love.
>>the kind that killed god.
>When did sacrificial love kill God?  The son of a carpenter is NOT God, No
>more than David Karesh was.  and don't even try the Trinity crap, father,
>son and the holy ghost being one and the same.

Ever heard the drop of water theory, or do you run more on electrons?

>>not a made for tv movie.
>Actually there have been quite a few made for tv movie, major motion
>pictures, broadway plays, etc, etc, about that son of a carpenter guy.
   You know, normally, I'd get some sort of nominal giggle out of that, but 
the delivery was just not there.

>>maybe that's why you have no faith in good or in love.
>>you don't know what you're talking about
>hey at least I am not delusional and I take responsibility for everything I
>do and everything that happens to me.

OKay, you almost explained that crucifixtion is some strange denial of 
personal responsibility, but you didn't and you're argument gets worse from 

When I fuck up, I can admit
>that I
>fucked up and not part of some grand plan some deity had in store for me, 
>that it works in mysterious ways, Not hiding behind some convient excuse of
>a deity.

Sorry you can't give thanks for every wrong move that made something right.
Think hard on this one- ya ever do something immaculately stupid. I mean 
full blown grade A Homer Simpson and the forbidden donught dum screw up... 
and as most things are... in the consequences of that really dumb move were 
the lesson you needed most to learn, or the contact you most needed to find? 
(this is the universal syndrome my mother refers to as falling in crap and 
come out smelling like a rose)
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