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RE: guns

">I think of the children dying as a darwinian process.  It weeds out the
>stupid and the unfit.  and maybe teach the parent(s) that they should keep
>their guns better stored for their next ones.  But if they can't then its
>better off their contribution to the gene pool be kept to a minimum."

"If they're going to die, than they better do it, and decrease the surplus 
population." -SCROOGE

This logic is brilliant because you won't ever have to face up to the fact 
that someone elses death or suffering might have something to do with you. 
Until we realize that we are all connected in some way, anyone's death can 
be reasoned away because they weren't "contributing to the gene pool". Who 
is to say who's genes are better than anyone else's? We are all flawed 
creatures. lets keep the arrogant self centerness to a minimum, shall we?
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