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Re: Pass the drugs, please

>  Without guns, were just like helpless sheep waiting for the slaughter.
> An interesting case is that guy who burst into a church in England a while
> back (where guns are outlawed)butt naked with a sword and started chopping
> into people. A few were seriously injured before they were able to wrestle
> him to the ground but NOONE was killed. I wonder, if the same senario
> happened here, where he could have picked up a machine gun at any local
> Testosterone IS Us store (or maybe K-mart), how many would have been

why don't you try to get a machine gun at your local k-mart, genius.  i know
that's where i'd go to get my testostrone fix.  how many is noone anyway.
is that some european unit of measurement?  same thing happened here, he
might be staring down the barrels of five different guns when he finished
whipped his out.  want to know why Israel has a low crime rate?  that's
because just about everyone of age has an automatic rifle in his or her
closet, citizen soldiers and all.  that usually put a dent in your B&E's and
purse snatchings.  guns are merely  tools,  if i really wanted to kill
someone, a knife or a coil of wire works just as well as a gun.

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