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here's your damn OtR content!

remember back a couple weeks ago,  i met andrea?  i thought maybe she'd like
to go to the VoL concert before  a) she knew who they were   and    b)the
gig got cancelled.

thanks to the hundreds of you who flooded her in-box with praise for VoL.  i
gave her my little stack of VoL discs to borrow, but  she couldn't get past
Bill's voice.   not 100 impressed.

strike one.

so,  i reasoned,  if i slip her a OtR disc,  she can't complain about
Karin's voice and she might like them.  So i did  (and an october project
that was just lyin' around, too).
today she came in with a big happy thumbs-up for the OtR!  she ~really~
likes these guys, she said, and wants more.    naturally i'm gonna let her
keep the burned mix cd i gave her,  and keep her in the loop whenever OtR
makes their way 'round these parts again.   she wants to go, she said.

home run!

so, in case anyone wants to tell her what a wise girl she is,  or invite her
on the list or share your OtR stories with a brand-spanky-newbie,  feel free
to flood her mailbox again.  (she loves that!)  atarter2000 at yahoo_com
 would be the place to send "hi"' letters.

to steal a just-stolen line,  "i love it when a plan comes together"---mr. t

and in support of the often tested, always true Chris Emery Listie Theory,
yeah, she's cute.

NP:  tom waits  __beautiful maladies__   (marq, this one wouldn't be a bad
start, either,  like if you were gonna start some potential OtR person with,
say,  __besides__ or __amateur shortwave radio ethiopia__)

(marq-  chew gum on the plane)

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