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Re: prehensile tails rule, ships, humanity, animals and other such nonsense

On 29 Mar 00 10:26:10 PST, you wrote:

>>>And finally, re this post, Chris Emery, ***the Godfeather***, warns,
>>I'm not sure how I feel about this sentence.
>Maybe it's a cool A-list thing that I am not privy to or maybe it's just a
>spelling error, but Chris, am I to understand that you are a large feather?? 
>I just had to ask -- the visual is too overwhelming.
It _IS_ a cool A-list thing, and Emery _IS_ the Godfeather. Whereas I am
the Godfeature (which you'd have to see me naked to understand)... But
perhaps I've told too much.

>One other note -- I know why monkeys have it better than humans, they don't
>have to worry about the GRE and taxes and cleaning the house and feeding the
>cats, etc., etc.
Plus they get to eat their own poop.

Andrew Vogel: Program Manager at the University of Cincinnati College of
Pharmacy.               http://pharmacy.uc.edu/default.html  (513)-558-3784
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