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i wonder...

heather said:

you can all hate me now.

someone else said:

i'm sorry i don't hate people.

(i didn't know we were telling lies on this list now)

we all hate people, we all love people, we all
judge eachother harshly, cruelly...some of
ask for forgiveness.

i worry most for those of us who want to
be so above it all.  the ones who remain
on the fence.  

once upon a time there was a very lovely
man who sat upon a fence everyday.  one day
a girl approached him from the west and asked
him if he would like to go for a stroll.
he declined, but told her that a stroll is
a very wonderful thing to do indeed.
the next day a girl happened from the east
and wondered if he might come down to
go swimming with her.  again he declined,
but emphatically agreed that swimming that
afternoon would be a grand idea.  he went
on like that for all of his days.  people
going to and fro on either side of him
while he watched and scooted around trying
to get comfortable (fences aren't very
practical for sitting!) until the very day
he died right there on that fence that in 
no way, shape or form looked like a cross.

the end
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