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my questions for plain jane...

plain jane,

why do you insist on refering to bands as christian bands?  i
have a huge tangent on this, but i am way too tired to type...

why do you insist on judging other people's faith?  'tis between
them and God.  period.  PERIOD.  why do we, as christians, get
so turned on by judging other people's "real faith?"  we should
be more concerned with trying to serve God with all of our heart.

why do you specifically think that K&L are just "pulling strings"
to sell to the "christian" market?  along with that, why do you
claim to know their motives?  and how can you know their motives
when you don't know their spiritual position?


as far as claiming to know any of this, you might want to stop.
i've always tried to make it a rule that he/she with no sin may
cast the first stone.

i'm so weak with sin, i can't even pick up a stone if one were 
within reach.  but maybe you're just better than me.

shall i genuflect in the likelihood?


NP: chagall guevara

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
   dantemm at erinet_com      http://www.dlm.net/gc/
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