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so this is how it feels

jg, Sarah, kyle, Ysoie:  I nearly tore my eyes out at half of all the posts 
to the list circa September until I realised that chaos and disorder is what 
was intended.  When a side hobby like OtR's discussion list becomes nothing 
like what it was intended and far too time consuming, I knew it was time to 
jump ship.  I'm back, dunno what drew me back.  Good people and friends I 
guess.  No specific beef against Kyle or anyone honestly, I just couldn't 
see getting worked up over words.  Kudos to ACLU.

Lara:  The new CD should be available everywhere Tuesday, assuming the 
record store bothered to order any, or succomb to the Virgin machine (ooh, 
that sounds lewd).  Just like when Patience, Eve, or 'Til We Have Faces were 
released on IRS, you could go to any store to get 'em.

As far as A-List snobbery, I don't see any of that.  I'm glad we coaxed Dan 
into posting more though (I gotta be nice so he'll help with taxes).

Larry Nager's review is good I guess.  He had that inexplicable error in "I 
Will Not Eat the Darkness" calling the piano + cello piece an E-bow number, 
and didn't mention anything about the remastering.

Lord knows we've learned the hard way all about healthy apathy.  I use 
Linford's words pretty loosely.  There's so much more to life than Linford's 


(nothing is ever quite what it seems.
  and I'm dying inside to leave you
   with more than Bruce Lachey)
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