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May I highly recommend...

The Rheostatics are one of canada's premier art/rock bands.  They double 
billed with The Tragically Hip New Year's eve at the Canada Centre in 
Toronto in front of thousands of people.  For some strange reason, they are 
virtually unknown in the U.S.   They released two albums on Sire records in 
the mid 90's that were never promoted by Sire and they failed to release a 
single as well.  Those albums are now out of print.  The only way to get any 
of their music here in the U.S. is to order it on-line.  As a result, except 
for a few dates opening for the Hip in the northern U.S., they have never 
played much in the states.  But all that's about to change.  Their about to 
have all of their records distributed by one of the U.S.'s top distribution 
agencies as well as a tour of the South-Eastern U.S.

That's a quick overview of the Rheostatics.  Why?   Because I believe their 
latest album is one of the most unique, original, & completely brilliant 
works of art ever produced.  Furthermore, fans of Over The Rhine obviously 
have good taste in music and the capacity to appreciate it.  The name of the 
cd is "The Story of Harmelodia".  It's a concept album.  You see, it's 
supposed to be a kid's album but it's really for kids of all ages.  Kind of 
a DARK SIDE OF THE MOON meets WIZARD OF OZ type children's album.  But 
that's not a description, just an example of what to expect.  There's really 
no way to describe it.  The Rheostatics have such diversity in what they do. 
  There are 5 players and everyone of them write songs and each one of them 
sings lead.  They even have a guest female singer, Sarah Harmer from the 
Canadian band The Weeping Tiles.  Michael Phillip-Wojewoda, who also 
produces The Barenaked Ladies, produced the cd.  But wait, that's not all... 
  it comes with a 36 page color animated story book.  Dave Bidini, the 
rhythm guitarist for the band wrote the story.  Martin Tielli, the lead 
guitarist, painted all the pictures.  The artwork and story are exceptional.

So if you want to know more about the rheo's check out their website at   
You can download a track from the cd there.


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