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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #19

 Kelvin T Bailey <kelvinbailey at juno_com> writes
> Hey, watch it there buddy!  I don't like what you're inferring!  Yeah, I
> was a HUGE John Denver fan, still am.  So what...  Actually the first two
> albums I ever bought were his Greatest Hits and Back Home Again.  I still
> think they're fantabulous.  I guess my other early 'gateway' musicians
> would be Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, Bob Seger and Queen.  Okay, now you
> get to play "crap-how-old-is-that-guy!"

Well, _Greatest Hits_ was the first record I bought.  Second was probably the
8-track of _An Evening with John Denver_.  Next was Carole King's _Tapestry_ on
8-track.  At times, I still hear snippets of the lyrics running through my head.

"In the end, up in his office, 
   in the end, a quiet cough,
    was all he had to show he'd lived in New York City"

"How can people live in a world where tears are just a lullaby?"
Paul R. Joslin            paul.joslin at weirdness_com            +1 513 576 2012
"Whether as athletes we liked it or not, the 4-minute mile had become
rather like an Everest--a challenge to the human spirit, it was a barrier
that seemed to defy all attempts to break it--an irksome reminder that
man's striving might be in vain."  --Roger Bannister
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