Happy Birthday, Elvis!

Elvis Happy Birthday, Elvis Presley! You were born on today’s date in 1935 in Tupelo Mississippi, and died suddenly on August 16, 1977 at the age of 42. Between those dates, you made music, made 31 movies, made women swoon, and made history.

Some say you died while sitting on the toilet, or laying on the bathroom floor in a pool of your own sick. But to some of us, you never died at all.

I’ve been to your house and where you made some of your recordings, but you weren’t there – though it felt like you’d only just stepped away from sitting comfortably in the Jungle Room.

Today, in honor of your memory, I will raise one side of my upper lip in your signature sneer. Today, in honor of your memory, I will say, “Thank you. Thankyouverymush…” at least a few times. Today, in honor of your memory, I will prepare and eat a tasty, tasty Peanut Butter & Banana sandwich (or 3).

Today, in honor of your memory, I will listen to your recordings. I might even watch one of your movies. But probably not Blue Hawaii. The songs in that one are just… bad.

Long live The King!

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