We're Running XARAYA Now!

After much deliberation and testing, I’ve decided to switch this site from PostNuke ("old ‘n busted") to Xaraya ("the new hotness") as the software driving the Content Management System (CMS). The CMS ties all the data of the site together and presents it in a useful fashion. Changing CMSs is akin to changing the engine in your car… It’s the main part that makes things go.

Exploring this new software, you will notice several changes…

  • Some user accounts (the most recent ones) may not have made the cut-over to the new software. If you once had an account but can no longer access it, please re-register. I apologize for any inconvenience.
  • I know this will make my friend Jo very happy… Logged-in users can post comments on articles! To add a comment, you must be logged in. Click the title of the article on which you wish to comment. On the next page, down near the bottom center, is a comment form.
  • You can rate items — everything from articles to web links can be rated. To do so, you must be logged in. Click the title of the item you wish to rate. On the next page, down near the bottom, is the rating panel. Select your rating from the drop-down list ("0" == Terrible. The worst. "5" == Super! The Best!) and click the "Rate this item" button to save your rating.
  • Things may not look quite the same. An example is that the Photo Gallery, which used to carry the site’s ‘look’ now looks different.
  • The organization of the site is different — but better — than it was before. Most content is in categories under the Articles link now. Take some time to explore the Article Map and Article Archives.
  • The icons at the top right of this article (and all articles) are links to individual categories. To see all articles under a particular category, click the icon. You can also view all categories via the Article Map.
  • Each page has a PRINT VIEW that allows for easy printing of that page. It’s near the bottom of the left side menu. To display this article in Print View (in a new window), click here.
  • The site’s URLs should be easier to read than before.
  • There is still work being done.

    Some of the articles that contain links to the old photo gallery do not point appropriately (generating an error). I am going through and modifying the articles. If you spot any problems, please let me know!

  • A better theme is in development. Expect the ‘look’ of the site to change a bit in the near future.

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