What is this site about?

If you're a new visitor to this site, you're probably wondering, "What is this site all about?".

This site is a not-so-brief glimpse into my life, my interests, my hobbies, my activities, and my goals & dreams. Complete with pictures and a soundtrack! It is an ongoing experiement with webhosting, documentation, system administration, and software development & testing.

I am a dedicated foodie and serious home cook. My research and reading is mostly centered around food and the culinary arts. I will begin Culinary School in the Fall of 2003.

Right now, I'm doing a year-long experiement tracking the dinners we have each night.

Also, I am actively involved in the documentation of the software that runs my site, PostNuke. I've been contracted by a company to write a book about PostNuke, and I am the author of the Official PostNuke Installation & Getting Started Guide which is available in the Downloads section of this site.

And more…

You are invited to explore this site. There is a lot here, reflecting my varied interests. Snoop. Explore. Wander. Wonder. Enjoy!

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