
SMACK IT CINCINNATI is Cincinnati's newest radio sensation.

Assaulting your airwaves on Wednesday mornings from 9:00-11:00am June 5 through August 28 2002 on WAIF 88.3 FM, SMACK IT CINCINNATI offers a fresh take on music, talk, humor, and local events.


(click any picture for a full-sized image)

Bruce     Drew
In the air studio, 7-14-2000
In the air studio, 7-14-2000
In the air studio, 7-14-2000
Bruce, preparing for the show. Drew, preparing for the show.

What the microphones see, 7-14-2000


Drew, 7-14-2000

Bruce, 7-14-2000
Our esteemed trobonist, Jodie. 7-21-2000.     Jodie said: "Did Drew REALLY lick my trombone?!" 7-21-2000
What you would see if you were standing over Drew and Big Daddy looking at the console. "I pity the fool that doesn't tune into SMACK IT CINCINNATI!" Who couldn't love Big Daddy!? 7-21-2000 Drew and Big Daddy share a special on-air moment.
Bruce, confused by our first call-in 7-14-2000
Guest Ryan A"123"> Guest Ryan Adcock (left) and pinch-hitter host Brian (right). 8-16-2000. Drew (left) and guest Ryan Adcock (right) are down wit' it. 8-16-2000. Drew, in a quiet moment before the show 07-14-2000

the second page of first-season pictures

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