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The restaurant where I work has recently been reviewed… Check it out here:

HAPPY MOUTH – October 2009

HAPPY MOUTH – October 2009

In October, the Happy Mouth Supper Club met for dinner at the BLUE GIBBON restaurant. It was my month to select, and it was a nice evening being together with our friends.

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things that Make you Feel Old

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things that Make you Feel Old

From this site comes the following question: What are 10 things that make you feel old? Here’s my list, in no particular order:

  • Forgetting to do this on Tuesday!
  • Failing eyesight
  • Being sore after an amount of exercise/work that used to NOT make me sore
  • Considering being home by 11:00p on a weekend night to be a good night
  • Remembering when I used to go out at 11:00p – on weeknights as well as weekend nights!
  • Feeling the need to write things down instead of relying on my memory (or is that because I’ve got more – lots more – to do now that I’m older?)
  • Being financially well-off & responsible with money
  • Mentally calculating the age difference between myself and my students, and being very aware that I am old enough to be their parents – even if their parents didn’t “start young”
  • Listening to popular music and not recognizing a.single.artist
  • Wondering when Saturday Night Live started letting children host the show!

Still, all things considered, getting older beats the alternative.

What makes you feel old? Leave your thoughts in comments.

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things that Make you Feel Old

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things that Make you Feel Old

From this site comes the following question: What are 10 things that make you feel old? Here’s my list, in no particular order: Forgetting to do this on Tuesday! Failing eyesight Being sore after an amount of exercise/work that used to NOT make me sore…

HAPPY MOUTH – September, 2009

HAPPY MOUTH – September, 2009

On Wednesday, September 30, 2009, a large group of us (Wendy, Ron G, Carrie, Jay, Beth, Ron C, Tracy, Ted, Julie, Ed, Rob, Dave, Angel, and me) met for our monthly Happy Mouth outing. It was Wendy’s month to select and she chose Pelican’s Reef,…

John Twelve Hawks reads from THE GOLDEN CITY

John Twelve Hawks reads from THE GOLDEN CITY

On Thursday, September 17, 2009, New York Times-bestselling author John Twelve Hawks was at THE BUNK SPOT in Cincinnati Ohio to read from THE GOLDEN CITY, the third book in his celebrated Fourth Realm trilogy. Ambient aural support provided by The Harlequins.


The videos from the reading can be accessed via YouTube…

Part 1 (8:06, video with sound)

Part 2 (5:08, video with sound)

Enjoy the videos!

Awesome Graph of Operating Systems

Awesome Graph of Operating Systems

Saw this on GraphJam today. It’s brilliant. Simply brilliant. (click for a larger view)