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A Quick Note (OT)

For those who keep track of such things, my email
address (which has changed about 5 times in the last
week) has now changed for good.  The new addy is:

pcg at mailandnews_com

I tried Hotmail, Yahoo!, Snap, Bigfoot, Turbosport,
Umailme, and a few others, but I just *hate* web-based
mail.  My deepest sympathies are extended anyone who is
forced to use such an unwieldy instrument on a regular
basis.  Mailandnews.com is great, though.  It's a real
POP-based server that you can access with a regular email
client *or* on the web (or over the *phone*).  I love it.

Um...they didn't pay me to say that.  Honest.

Anyway, there ya have it.  We now return you to your regularly
scheduled programming.

Paul Christian Glenn pcg at mailandnews_com
Eon Chamber http://eonchamber.virtualave.net 
Christian Realists http://x-real.firinn.org 

Currently reading: "The God We Never Knew" by Marcus J. Borg

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