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Re: Best OTR albums?

>"Amy Joy Eversole" <amy_smiley at hotmail_com> said:
>here's another question for everyone (again, this discussion may have taken
>place in the past, but answers are often fluid and changing...):
>what otr song would be your life theme song?  (not just today, but
     "Latter Days" -- but I do not mean it as bad as it sounds on a
light reading of the lyrics.  I see latter days in the sense of the
possibility of being in the age just before the events in Revelation and 
Daniel.  I see the broken dreams as mistaken hopes and goals that have 
fallen away as the light of reality melts them away.  They are being 
replaced with more realistic hopes and dreams, but the transition is taking 
its toll.  I really think I'll be OK.  I am certainly happy and looking 
forward to the future whether or not the
latter days are really here.  Either way is fine with me.

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