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Cowboys & Monk

> BTW, I can't let you mentioning this RockNight go by without asking you...
> Did you catch the GALACTIC COWBOYS' set?  And if so, how was it?
Yeah, of course. This was one of the main reasons I went there. I was so
disappointed when they didn't come with King's X in spring. Their set was
amazing and the drummer who did the second show with them was very good,
too. It just was too short. They weren't allowed to do any encores. But I
got to talk to Monty and Ben after it and they're really nice ppl.

Monk was a surprize to me and I think they made some new fans over here. All
the "I-just-want-to-jump-around-"-ppl left when they began to play but all
the real music-listeners stayed with open mouths! (:

Tobi (:

ICQ #46567784

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