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Re: Directions to Martino's for 12/11/99 OTR show

On Tue, 07 Dec 1999 11:26:32 PST, you wrote:

>> >inn the wood is a lovely idea.  doesn't sitwell's have a sunday brunch
>> >special?  has anyone tried it?
>> >
>>Never been there. Probably expensive!
>i haven't typically found sitwell's to be expensive, and parking might be a 
>bit easier there...
I defer to the experts... INN THE WOOD was merely my suggestion!


Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs at the Univ. of Cincinnati 
College of Pharmacy. Actor, director, dog (JRT) fanatic, author, Miata
owner, & much, much more!           My homepage: "http://www.drewvogel.com"
Offical BC3K Tester. I-War! Linux!           "The only way OUT is THROUGH."
dug: you da man! you da man!		        "Drew Vogel is its own reward."
ric: isn't "the man" the guy who's always bringing everyone down?
dug: nope! 'cause YOU da man!!                  Email: vogelap at email_uc.edu
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