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Re: Kyle needs to get over himself

In a message dated 11/8/1999 2:43:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
Owner-Over-The-Rhine at actwin_com writes:

<<  if someone want to make a statement like that in my
 neighborhood,  he or she better be ready to for some verbal sparring because
 nothing is for free here.  unfortunately, most just don't have the
 imagination to spar for long, and then they just run back to mama crying
 being picked on by the "bully".  well, either stand up and fight (i use this
 term in a figurative and  literate way) or keep your fucking trap shut to
 start with.  don't start something and then run away screaming holy hell.
 i like to play the devil's advocate, mostly just to see if people are strong
 enough in their convictions to defend their views.  and i know i am very
 aggressive with somewhat predatory instincts, so it amuses me to see the
 herd circle their wagons and cry out for help as a collective unit, reminds
 me of a circle of zebras kicking blindly with their hind legs.  well, boys
 and girls,  this ain't the Broadway, and your chorus line suck, so to speak. 

First, you don't spar, you go home and get a tank and run over someone.  Your 
"tirades" have nothing whatsoever to do with the topic - you merely try to 
find as many ways as possible to tell them to "fuck off"  While your rhetoric 
is witty, your content is one-track.  People don't run home to mama at a loss 
for how to defend their convictions - rather they realize that there is no 
use trying to have any sort of itelligent conversation with you - that in 
fact you are dong precisely what you say you are doing and that they ( I ) 
have no time for it.

You blasted another newbie for presuming to know you from your posts. Yet, 
you presume to know them from a single post.  Furthermore, most of the 
comments do not pretend to know YOU - they even try to excuse YOU while still 
expressing disapproval of your POSTS. These are your choice.  You are the 
bully picking on the new guy who tries to make a friend.  Again, your choice. 
 It's amazing how one comment can breed so much conversation from one who 
screams that he doesn't care.  Get a life.