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Re: Quote for the day

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:52:56 -0400, you wrote:

>> "You can't use superglue in a vacuum"...
>you mean theoretically, of course,
>since there is no such thing as an absolute vacuum...not one we can create
>anyway.  so in those not so perfect vacuums, there must be some trace
>amounts of water molecule floating around, whether they are enough to
>polymerize superclue or not, that's another question entirely.  has anyone
Kyle & all... I tried it last night in my at-home vacuum chamber.
While Kyle's assertion is correct -- there's no such thing as a
perfect vacuum -- the one installed in my house is pretty darned
close. Therefore, I was able to test the theory with 99.999432%
certainty (rounded).

As it turns out, Sarah's professor is incorrect. The glue _does_
function as designed, even without the presence of water molecules in
a vacuum. 

My literary agent is contacting the publisher of all major textbooks
to which this new information would apply to make sure they're updated

Andrew Vogel: Program Manager at the University of Cincinnati College of
Pharmacy.               http://pharmacy.uc.edu/default.html  (513)-558-3784
