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Re: day's events

hi amy/all

Amy Raven says:
> Last summer, I was dropping some pictures off to be developed.

(almost private note:    "pictures"  Candace.   see?  everyone says
"pictures".  you're o.k.)

>When I walked
> back out into the parking lot, I noticed a little black car with an Over
> The Rhine bumper sticker.  My joy couldn't be contained--

Amy, did you do that cute little hand clapping thing you do?   I like it
'cause i do that or a rubbing variant when i'm happy or excited and i
noticed that you do it, too.)

in a similar sighting story,  yesterday we were driving up to Wal - Mart in
db's white saab,  when a two tone  dodge dakota pick up truck passed us and
there was (among others)  a Monk bumper sticker in his rear window.     we
caught up to him just to see if it was anyone i recognized from any monk
show,  but i didn't.   (not that i'd remember anyway, i guess).

You know the sticker that you get attached to your car when you take it to
another country?  White oval sticker with big black  (is it 2?)  letters for
the country code?    well,  this Monk sticker was like that,  but with (um,
obviously)  4 letters.
In addition,  he had a Paiste sticker,  so evidently he drums,  and a POD__
sticker,  where  __ represents a symbol like i've seen on that
man-carrying-sticks-led zeppelin album, i think.  3 circles, overlapping in
kind of a pyramid or triangle shape.   I'm looking for that key on my
keyboard but it's not there, sorry.

after much chasing after him  (he was speeding at a rate i was uncomfortable
with should i get a ticket---it was after all the edge of Cuyahoga Falls,
Ticket City)  and keeping up  (probably right in his blind spot!) to read
his stickers,  Monica thought it was   "p-something of death"

So who is this p-something of death band?   (why am i expecting a reply from
Dan Temmesfeld on this one?    hi, Dan!).     And does Monk have
bumperstickers this shape and style,  or did it represent some other Monk
company,  maybe they make drumsticks or foot pedals or  a tasty variety of
after-gig munchies that this guy is fond of?

There was no Over the Rhine sticker on his car.   and we were in the
unadorned white car,  so he couldn't have seen my OtR sticker and chased
after me,  calling out "wait, i'm a nut",    and then finally where we
stayed on 8,  he left off for 271  towards Cleveland and Erie, PA.

anyway, that's that.   it just happened yesterday.   and wal-mart was
selling perennials for  $.50 each,  so monica loaded the trunk and the back
seat floor with all they had.
