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RE: this whole brian thingy

>Good point Stef. Why the derogatory name for Linford? What makes him such a
>bad guy?

To borrow a line from someone I used to know...Is he an asshole because he is 
linford or is he linford therefore must be an asshole?  A sphincter by any 
other name smells just as...

Try talking to him sometimes or just observe his body language, everything 
about him just screams "ASSHOLE!!!!"   most of the female listies do seem to 
like him, but that actually makes sense since most women seem to be attracted 
to  assholes no matter how many times they've been fucked over by one...but 
that's just my opinion and observations, I could be wrong, not often, but I 
could be wrong.  And don't even try to argue that most women aren't attracted 
to assholes, you know that's true.
