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At the blue jorden fest when OTR was setting up and stuff. A bunch of people
began clapping, this effect rippled through the crowd but nothing really
happened except a guy from the front of the audience ran toward the woods.
What happened was that the people in front of my friend and I had a visitor
pop up, it was a mole. So the guy caught it in a cup and transplanted it in
the woods that was why everyone was clapping. 

Next time OTR plays a concert in the dark we all need to wear those little
flashing rings or carry around glow sticks so that we can find each other.
Better yet how about Drew just wear one and we can all find him....

Well Bruce I found my friend she was curled up in a ball wrapped in the
blanket. We should have brought more blankets. 

I thought it was odd that Monk and OTR played Circle of Quiet. But I think
that the instrumentals of Monk are good and Karins voice just make that song

Saturday was the first time I heard Monk they were good 

I bought Blink last night, I love it but basically it is what Ric played at
the BJF.  Which is why I bought it. 
I will have to scan my pictures from the concert - pre/post show gatherings.
If they let me in the CIM lab again the first time I was there I was trying
to scan a picture and the attendant insisted on "helping" me and turned a 5
minute task into 20 minutes. Because he could not figure out how to do it
and was very frustrated with my attempts to suggest how to do it. Once he
left I scanned the picture and everything was fine. 
I am babbleing now, I am working at the library help desk and I should be
working on a paper about Virgina Woolf and creativity and mental illness. It
is due on Tuesday and I pretty much have all my research on it done. But I
still need to write it I will do that tonight and Monday.  Well I am going
to go now.

3174685 ICQ number 
The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile
nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to
one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to
trust him. -Ralph Waldo Emerson 

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