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Re: Jack & Patience


Sarah writes:

> Bink mentioned "Velvet Underground"....One of my other loves....

oh!  as if you aren't popular enough already!!

in other OtR related news:
my pictures of some OtR listies and the Moonlight Gardens  gig are in,  and
they turned out well enough for at least minimal satisfaction.  so,  if
you'd like to see them,  send a check or money ord.....no,  sorry, that's
those ~other~  pictures, i forgot!      if you want to see them,  just
e-mail a request using my simon-bar-sinister at neo_rr.com  address and ask for
"photos" in the subject line and i will e-mail them to you.   (computer
literate ppl:  surely there is there a better way?)
there are 10 listie pix:
toast;  drew (shannon,lara);  kyle,raven;   chris's ass,db;    znf,jnf;
raven;  lara (znf);   bruce, heather;    sarah (chris,kyle);  jan,fran.

there are  9  concert pix:
dave;  karin guitar;   linford, jeff;    karin,jack;   karin sing upright;
linford;  karin sing lean;   horrible of jack;   wide shot band whole stage.
i love her but none of terri,  ack!!

so, if you weren't there but wanna feel a little bit like you were,  here's
an opportunity.  please don't hit "reply to author" though so i can keep
these straight,  thanks.

(this is not porn or a virus.)

