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goodbye list -- at least for now.

Well, well, well...

It seems that, through God-planned events that continue to be beyond my 
comprehension, it's time for me to leave this formerly cozy, comfortable 
velour easy chair job situation. Springs have begun to pop out of the seat, 
bits of stuffing can be seen floating in the air, and if I stick around too 
much longer, who knows what will crawl out of the depths and bite me.

At this point, that also means saying 'goodbye list,' with not a little 
reluctance. How incredible God's timing is, tho -- that I had this weekend to 
meet you all, and spend a golden hour or fifty-seven with you. :) 

Don't get your hopes up -- i'm not leaving forever. You can still find me at 
byrde at hotmail_com. And I might even be back at some point not too far off. 
Who knows. But for now...goodbye list.

Or, as Fred would say, "bye-bye, hep-byrd, don't burn your wings."

I'll try not to.

Must flee-flea-fly-flay...oh, dear.

must go. 


--byrd, laura, etc. 

hee hee. :)