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Re: Sean Penn's Big Brother

Ysobelle at aol_com asks:

> > Will you marry me? Or at least have my children?

<sly grin> [He contemplates quietly.] Sorry, dear, though I'm quite
flattered.  I'm in love with another, and I'm afraid she's forbidden me
to marry, unless it's her who I marry.  And I'd hate to lose her, you
see. </sly grin>

Binkley said:

>Have you heard "Weeds," the track he laid down for the first Sweet
>Relief album? I agree, he hasn't put out a whole lot, but I'll take
>what he's got. (Oh, criminey--i'm rhyming now, too!)

Yep, I've heard that one.  He shows up in the background VOX on one of
the Counting Crows albums, too.  Can't thik which one right now.  He and
Aimee Mann (his wife) both have this working musician, rather not be too
big attitude.  Which is cool.


The church bells here are striking nine.  I'm realizing that they play a
whole hymn at both 8 and 9 in the morning.  I think the church should
pick a time and go with it.  Law of diminishing returns, you know?

Must go.
