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even better than an OtR listie action figure set.

In a message dated 9/4/99 11:56:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
b_lachey at hotmail_com writes:

> Ohio suits you two well (and that's a good thing)

Ohio has a way of suiting all red-blooded Americans well.

...since the move to Detroit i've felt mine blacken,
but by the grace of God it'll be red once more.

> It's a "go" as far as I know, 15 Oct supposed deadline;
> I'm doing mine at the end of Sept in Findlay OH, I know
> of at least 6 others that are doing it!!  :)

since you've taken the helm, my friend,
i see that this tribute cd project is a pipe dream no longer!

                        progress report:

_Murder_ phase 1.0 complete, intro + verse one demoed.

for next Saturday before the OtR show -
aim to have Murder phase 2.0 complete, all tracks captured
(scrap metal deconstruction/Lynzi bold vocals/Jay sultry whispers +
screaming bleeding lungs/frantic drumming and loops of terror, etc).
...i plan on eating bare minimums that day for maximum aggression.

further sonic manipulation may not be complete by 10.15.99
(how long can i string you out, Bruce?)

>  And I'm waiting for word from Amy/Raven to help her with hers...

as am i - i'll need to know soon and schedule accordingly.
(can you maybe tap her on the shoulder?)

murderously yours,

edward jay

NP: Aphex Twin - _...I Care Because You Do_

"The devil's brand is on my bones, 
an' from inside the Holy Ghost groans"
David Eugene Edwards - 16 hp
(|==========-=-=----=----=---- - - -  -  -     -      
<<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, the Second ov Harnish -,/)>>
    ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ICQ #13819982   ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
(|===========-=-=------=-----=-- -- -  -  -    -