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Re: eleventh

In a message dated 9/1/99 4:38:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
b_lachey at hotmail_com writes:

<< True, Gardner.  Very bad haiku.  I especially hate having to drawl three 
 syllables into one and extend one into three sometimes to meet those 
 o-so-constricting haiku syllabic requirements.
I feel so out of the loop...I've been religiously (well, perhaps 
faithfully...oops, consistently) reading list postings, and all of a sudden 
there's this thing about haiku and i love haiku and i didn't get any haiku so 
i'll haiku all by myself:

if we both had wings
would you insist
on flying away again

grass green 
summer evening red
these are gobstoppers

i'll go back under my rock now...