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Re: Hi!

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:00:04 -0700, you wrote:

>>did the little baby feel all left out in the cold???  poor little 
>Do I feel left out watching a buch of puppies lick each others' butts? 
>Nope, I don't think so.  Just makes me grateful to be a human.
>>i was just trying to be nice to the novice,  
>NICE?!?  Do me a favor and give me fair warning when you decide to start
>acting like a jerk.  I wanna be prepared.
Kevin... Just STAY prepared when Kyle is around. It's easier that way.
Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs at the Univ. of Cincinnati 
College of Pharmacy. Actor, director, dog (JRT) fanatic, author, Miata
owner, & much, much more!   My homepage: "http://homepages.uc.edu/~vogelap"
Offical BC3K Tester. Linux!                  "The only way OUT is THROUGH."
dug: you da man! you da man!		        "Drew Vogel is its own reward."
ric: isn't "the man" the guy who's always bringing everyone down?
dug: nope! 'cause YOU da man!!                  Email: vogelap at email_uc.edu

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