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Re: Tom Waits

Weston shows us how cool he really is by asking:
> I've been hearing lots o' good things about Mr. Waits, and I was wondering
> if anyone could recommend a specific album for me to start with.  I suppose
> this is as good a forum to pose this question to, seeing as how you all have
> at least enough sensibility to admire Over the Rhine.  Then again, I've
> never come across anyone who doesn't...

I would recommend "Small Change", but that's only because it's the first
Waits record I experienced and because I have lots of lovely rainy NYC
memories to back this particular soundtrack.  His latest effort (what's
he /building/ in there?), "Mule Variations", is also excellent--bare-boned
and completely unapologetic, lovely raw music.  Lots of people will probably
tell you to pick up "Swordfishtrombones" or "Rain Dogs", and I'll agree
with them.  There's a relatively friendly listserv out there someplace
for Waits fans as well, but I haven't subscribed to it in a while (the people
here are less shy).  In a week or two, I might have a special little goodie
to share, but we'll see how my best-laid plans turn out before we get too
excited about that.

Glad to be of service,
