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Re: Hey, hit the road Jack Kerouac!

<< On The Road, by Jack Kerouac! One of the most famous books of our time! >>

"But the moment I say essence I draw the word back. Essence is the word for 
the finger that points to bright blankness.
                                                              Jack Kerouac
                                                Rose Poem

I'd rather be thin than famous
I don't want to be fat
And a women throws me outa bed
callin me Gordo , & everytime
                           I bend
                           to pick up
                           my suspenders
                           from the davenport
                           floor I explode
                           loud huge grunt-o
                           and disgust
                           every one
                           in the familio

I'd rather be thin than famous
But I'm fat

Paste that in yr. Broadway show

                                                Jack Kerouac