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all hail the humble. (was Re: RE: @ cider)

yz the less-than-meek talk:

>>> IMHO it's the best straight beer around.
>>I may possibly be vagrantly displaying my ignorance but IMHO?
>> Would anyone mind taking a minute to translate?  Thanks!  :o)
>  In My Humble Opinion.
>  Not that anyone on this list qualifies as humble.

(tap, tap, tap.)

um, yz? speak for yourself on that, missie.

i'm the most humble person i know.

why, i'm often -ASTONISHED- by my own humility!

...asafatterofmact, i often render myself and others speechless
at the extraordinary level of humily _i_ have succeeded in attaining!

should thou darest disagree, i'm sure Lynzi will only confirm this.

(and in complete sincerity, of course.)

(and she may even hum the national anthem
while affirming this, as a sign that she means
business and never skirts around truth for sport or fun.)

(btw yz - why do you cc owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com
in your posts? just curious i suppose...)

goode nighte all you kindly arrogant folk,

edward jay
(whose tongue and cheek are both quite sore by now)

NP: This Mortal Coil - It'll End in Tears - Song to the Siren.mp3

"The devil's brand is on my bones, 
an' from inside the Holy Ghost groans"
David Eugene Edwards - 16 hp
(|==========-=-=----=----=---- - - -  -  -     -      
<{---o<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, the Second ov Harnish -,/)>--o---}>
	^v^	^v^	^v^	ICQ #13819982	^v^	^v^	^v^
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