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sheath file

The Sheath File

heaven's gate                   penal colony                    soup bowl 
sausage skin                    goggles                         wet suit 
elastic prophylactic            dunce cap                       I can't 
believe it's not rubber
navy seal                       plastic surge-in                bubble boy 
rascal wrapper                  the Papal robe                  child proof 
wienerhosen                     Wild Willy's worm puppet        gauntlet
Freudian slip                   Mr. Happy's business suit       wham bam dam
Jimmy the sleek                 the egyptian prescription       one-eyed 
willie's eye patch
Mount Hood                      schlong shed                    vice grip
holds the mayo                  Luger locker                    jimi hindrance
hatch catcher                   cape horn                       spooge scrooge
Johnson Control                 stinky slinky                   nail polish
spanky hanky                    pole vault                      banger hanger
cheesepipe clingfilm            spoo keeper                     parenthood
tuition abolition               separate us apparatus           Dick C. Cup
hip boot                        stiffie stocking                the Lone 
Ranger's mask
thighmaster                     stopcock                        ribbed cage
surge protector                 rubber policeman                interruptable 
power supply
wham bam dam                    popper stopper                  pigpen
head gasket                     love shackle                    Chubasquero 
do pito
pole lock                       peckerwouldn't                  feltcher 
Purple Warrior Armor            ferret sock                     Coney Island 
no overflowed choad load sowed  indicktment                     Don Johnson
hickory dickory dock            peterfied cast                  milk miser
Wrinkle Chapeau                 wetness protection program      Nub pneumatic
Great Barrier sheath            driving glove                   bobby sock
wilderness permit               seed sack                       conception 
waste basket                    'giner liner                    muff buffer
bopper stopper                  love glove                      jump suit
mister twister                  stuffer stocking                gift wrap
Little Red Riding hood          rumpled stiltskin               eruption 
Freudian slip                   nard guard                      torpedo tube
fetus filter                    der weiner fits-all             life saver
wong thong                      ball blinder                    groin cloth
lamb gut nut hut                corn husk                       clam dam
poon balloon                    Woody's wetsuit                 geyser cork
package protector               sperminal terminal              dong depot
detour                          stop sign                       picket line
cock cloak                      Bismark barrier                 penis shroud
scabbard                        Horse hanger                    gent tent
probe robe                      banister canister               party favor
peter pouch                     rod rind                        corn cob husk
burrito poncho                  root celler                     protein packet
crash helmet                    condom                          banana peel
sheath                          dong sarong                     willy wrap
third leg trouser               membrane                        canyon slicker
masthead                        peanut shell                    pen top
pillar pullover                 passion fruit cup               shaft graft
propellant  repellant           pricknic basket                 uterus 
snatch hatch                    shower curtain                  cum dumpster
weasel den                      sneeze guard                    ribbed crib 
sling shot                      bull pen                        meat sack
potatoe skin                    dick bra                        seat belt
shank tank                      the pole barn                   thriller 
cock-a-doodle-don't             jack hat                        pork barrel
slip n' slide slip inside       yellow submarine                cum drum
jack in the box                 major woody's uniform           turkey neck 
haute couture                   pipe cleaner                    tarp
shrink wrap                     wand wallet                     bang bottle
chicken charriot                noodle nylon                    member muzzle
jock jacket                     male box                        valve cover
seed sack                       sugar cone                      eel envelope
Depends defender                dunce cap                       pig blanket
love capsule                    pump sump                       John Thomas 
trunk bark                      boner bucket                    goose noose
hefty sak                       hot juice balloon               sperm breaker
cream collector                 slip cover                      hard hat
pork cork                       giz dam                         cock frock
DNA dashiki                     squirt shirt                    ejaculation 
crank tank                      missile silo                    head shed
peter parka                     pregnot                         Pressure 
pickle jar                      cum cathador                    stuff sack
spunk trunk                     bullet bag                      ink well
chromosome dome                 wiener receptical               dog house
chicken coop                    rail pail                       scum bag
Johnson Wax                     wacker laquer                   candy wrapper
cum catcher                     head veil                       rubber
fence                           hard again cardigan             vein vale
pin cushion                     restrictive headgear            weenie beanie
one-eyed beret                  flesh flute boot                load bearing 
pud stud
sperm dam                       dick dike                       lover cover
swell casing                    she squealed shield             he stick 
rod retardant                   boner binder                    beanie my 
mister log's sex hat            spunk spittoon                  throbben hood
she shell                       peicekeeper                     paternaway
giz fizzler                     rally cap                       soap dish
bone blanket                    batting glove                   pony stable
cloak for dagger                nub cap                         French letter
man cream screen                nookie nook                     Siemon Block
Jock Lock                       Non-Breeder's Cup               emergency 
Clap cap                        dork cork                       Safety Nut
Dust Cover                      Parachute                       Jack Rack
salami skin                     sleeve                          pudding packet
pud pod                         snakeskin                       glove
cocking stocking                sperm bag                       sausage casing
stick suit                      snatch guard                    insecurity 
hose wrapping                   prophylactic                    boxing glove
Johnson jacket                  tapioca tupperware              doggie bag
sperm aside                     penal pullover                  loin luggage
oven mitt                       hog holster                     sword shield
manhole cover                   submarine surprise              full latex 
missile mask                    glad bag                        hot dog bun
wank tank                       body armor                      rope 
raincoat                        shower cap                      swim suit
embryno                         Jimmy hat                       pork rind
pigskin                         hump hindrance                  spunk stopper
dick dam                        sleaveland                      meat 
wood hood                       dipper slipper                  worm womb
banana bandana                  whore bore                      baby block
zuccini beanie                  cyclops eye patch               straightjacket
saran wrap                      back pack                       filling 
seapage keeper                  crack pro                       bag lady
muscle muzzle                   trouser trout salad sandwich    reliance 
fornication filtration          sperm lance-a-not               no-drip faucet
conception redirection          acorn shell                     hub cap
third testicle                  goo-be-gone                     jiffy lube 
quicker picker upper            jewelry box                     mushroom cap
carrot top                      peter purse                     go between
prostitute chute                gender guard                    child proof 
quif thief                      tunnel funnel                   spiral binder
boa contricter                  runt stunter                    tool shed
screw top                       egg beaters                     man quart 
heir alter                      anti proliferation device       family crisis
dead end                        inconceivable                   milt kilt
knock-me-knot                   knob swab                       cameltoe 
python pocket                   gonad girdle                    slut safety
muff moat                       oil pan                         gas tank
candleabra                      pillowcase                      galloshes
casino worker                   knob knot                       silly puddy
layin' den                      shaft shell                     baggie
dick partition                  bullet casing                   rain fly
distributor cap                 vacuum bag                      head light
hood ornament                   tire pump                       bitch glitch
dink tank                       water buffalo balloon           jissim prison
Quaker moat                     indickitive                     Brooke Shields
bone bonnet                     cup o' soup                     spunk mug
throbber thermos                blockaides                      h.i.v. net
fish ladder                     mis-direction                   sleave it to 
snail shell                     slug housing                    muzzle loader
wad wallet                      sleeper car                     dicktionary
wet bar                         cell block                      DNA lounge
packer wrapper                  jister holster                  hereditary 
gene pool                       milt filter                     cum cup
cummer bun                      wanger hangar                   meat locker
corn dog                        cock dock                       seal-a-meal
Catholic catheter               boardwalk oyster                high protein 
snack shack
scrot coat                      kiddie lidder                   crown
flesh fedora                    cumbrella                       baby buggy 
pit stop                        sperm worm                      birth berth
goo blockers                    chromosome tombstone            offspring 
relative preventive             gonad goggles                   blast casket
cum crypt                       side winder binder              baby strainer
semen hammock                   conceivable receivable          rod pod
juice jar                       cock cap                        gland gate
prick pouch                     shot glass                      salami stop
SCUBA (Self Contained Undercover Boning Apparatus)		Mr. Hardon's 
Dress Whites
tallywack sack                  gauntlet                        party hat