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Re: Murder COULD Be Good... OTR Tribute Album

Andrew, the beastmaster number two
(as we all know Bruce is beastmaster number one) sez:

> Also, let's talk about capitalization. I'd do it this way:
>  1. "...and I Always Knew That Murder Could Be Good"
>  2. "I Always Knew That Murder Could Be Good"

edward jay steps behind the ballot curtain,
checks his fly as gentlemen do while
stepping into ballot booths, then jots down ~

option #1. "...and I Always Knew That Murder Could Be Good"


Bruce! where are you?!

Marie says:
> I have a question though: is this the title that
> we've accepted?  Who's in charge of the title?
> I'm asking this not b/c I oppose this suggestion
> but  b/c it'd be silly to do work on something
> that may not end up on the CD.

why, _we're_ in charge of the title!
i'd sure give courtesy to Bruce regarding it, as he's more
involved than the rest of us, but it's a communal programme.
general logic and etiquette would probably have that the
more involved in the programme, the more solidified, they
(we) should have the first picks of names, etc...
i'm not exactly sure who the MOST involved people will be,
but Bruce is commander #1 for the whole operation.
and i know it looks so far like i'll be doing a track +
pimping myself out to a couple other song contributors.

(calling Bruce up)

i've got Mr. Bruce Lachey on the phone at this very moment!
he likes the "...and I Always Knew That Murder Could Be Good"
and although he did say it was a bit irreverent, he likes it.
he's bouncing around with some other titles also, here they are:

(the existing option:)
1. "...and I Always Knew That Murder Could Be Good"

(book titles from Buckminster Fuller:)
2. "I Seem to be a Verb"
3. "Ideas and Integrities"

(book titles from CS Lewis:)
4. "Out of the Silent Planet"
5. "The Pilgrim's Regress"

those are a good five to draw from.
i like them all!

so - there are the now existing options.
if you wish to contribute more ideas, please do.

if you have the daddie-mack of all titles, submit it.
i'm sure it'll make itself obvious.

if you're not contributing a song or efforts for studio
arrangements, etc, (trying desperately to say this
with tact) don't hold your breath. and don't throw
out eighty seven some titles for us to read, please.

tahme's a-drawin' near, mah friends!

this is going to be a good programme, oh yes.


NP: black tape for a blue girl - _As one aflame laid bare by desire_

Modern conquerors can kill, but do not seem to be able to create.
Artists know how to create but cannot really kill.
Murderers are only very exceptionally found among artists.
Albert Camus (1913-60)
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<{---o<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, the Second ov Harnish -,/)>--o---}>
	^v^	^v^	^v^	ICQ #13819982	^v^	^v^	^v^
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